Sunday, January 17, 2010

Marathon Training Week One

As you all know I sat down last Sunday and planned out my workouts until my marathon on May 30th. I would love to set the goal to not miss any of the workouts during this 4 ½ month plan, but I know that is not realistic. I know that there are days that you are sick or there are things that can happen that are out of your control or it is possible to over train and need to change the schedule. So my plan is to do everything in my power to get in my workouts, but if something out of my control changes my schedule I will modify and move on.

As you can see from my schedule for the week I didn’t follow my plan to the letter. I am a mother, wife (whose husband is in grad school as well as working full time), and work full time so I have very little free time in my life. As a result, I’m up at 5:30 in the morning to get in my AM workout and then get my runs in at night. Living in New Hampshire it is dark when I get out of work so I only get the joy of running outside when I have friends to run with and that doesn’t happened most of the time. So a lot of those nights I’ve spent my time running on the treadmill in the basement just to get the miles in.

Wednesday night I just had too many appointments to be able to get in an evening workout, plus I was so busy I missed my afternoon snack, something I don’t recommend, I just had no energy to get on the treadmill when I got home. I have recently had trouble getting all of my calories in daily and after not eating enough on Thursday it caught up with me Friday morning and I didn’t have the energy to bring it with an Insanity workout so I decided to modify and get in Tony’s One-on-One Medicine Ball Core Cardio. It was a good workout and I felt better after I finished and had a little recovery drink. I’m sure you can see that I didn’t get in my ChaLEAN Push 3 workout for the week. I have to figure out how to get the two workouts in on Saturday, because I usually don’t have time to fit in an afternoon workout. My plan for this week is to get the workout in tomorrow morning and yoga in the afternoon.

With sticking to my training plan I was able to drop 2.4 lbs of the 5 lbs I had gained over the holidays (don't tell anyone). A few more weeks like last week and I'll dropped all 5 and be well on my way with my marathon training.

My runs were wonderful this week with the exception of Monday night. I was able to run with friends this week for most of the runs. It is so great to have friend’s workout with you. It makes it so much more fun during the workout and gives you some great quality time to chat while doing something wonderful for your body.

So set your schedule for the week and try to find a buddy to workout with; if you don’t have someone local remember to log onto WOWY, we are all there to support each other! I have my plan set for the week and I am ready to take it on!


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